Forum Newsletter 01
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Term one is almost finished, the
weeks have flown by….We have been busy setting up an events schedule for the
coming terms, please find hereby information about the main events in term 2:
Monday 6th of May:
Term 2 starts
Tuesday the 21th of May
Annual General Meeting and Elections
Where: Staffroom WGHS
Time: 7:30 pm
As last year Roz Mexted will be our guest speaker that
Tuesday the 28th of May
“Understanding teenage girls’ friendships
and friendship conflicts”
Our special guest
speaker: Ro Longe
Where: Staffroom
Time: 7:30 pm
Ro Longe is a renowned school
counsellor whose research interest includes girls’ friendship development. Ro
has more than 25 years’ experience in single-sex and co-ed schools of working
with teenage girls, their friendships and their friendship conflicts and will
talk to us about ways how we can support our daughters through greater
understanding. The presentation is most useful for parents and caregivers
however daughters are more than welcome. Come and learn together with us. Gold
coin donation.
We would appreciate it if you
could let us know if you are planning on attending as after the talk, we’ll be
serving tea, coffee and cookies. Please e-mail to:
Tuesday 25th of June
Parents Forum Meeting
Where: Staffroom
Time: 7:30 pm
5th of July
Mid Winter Christmas.
It will be a wonderful evening with music, Christmas cakes,
mulled wine, coffee and tea. We’ll learn how to decorate a tree, how to make
Christmas bows and much more. More information will follow by Newsletter closer
to the date.
Friday 12th of July
End of term 2
We all wish you a restful holiday and are looking forward to
seeing you next term.
Warmest regards,
Parents Forum