
Thursday, 27 June 2013

Huge sale old uniform and info evening cyber bullying and the change of the laws

Huge sale of  old uniform and an information evening about cyber-bullying and the change of laws in regards.




Dear Parents and Caregivers,



Term two is coming to an end and we are all looking forward to a well-deserved rest.  We still have two important events coming up before the holidays:




On Saturday the 6th of July in the school hall from 10 am to 2 pm we will be holding a huge sale of the outgoing uniform. Please find hereby the illustration of the phasing in of the new uniform:



2013                                      2014                                              2015

Year 9                   NEW /RED                                           NEW /RED                                           NEW /RED

Year 10                 OLD/ GREEN                                       NEW / RED                                          NEW /RED

Year 11                 OLD /GREEN                                       OPTIONAL                                           NEW/ RED

Year 12                 OPTIONAL                                           OPTIONAL                                           NEW/ RED

Year 13                 OPTIONAL                                           OPTIONAL                                           NEW/ RED



As you might already know the out-going uniform has been sold for 50% of its original price. On Saturday the 6th the prices will go down another 40% to 50%. Hereby some examples:


Blouse short/long sleeve:

Original price was: $50.00.

Uniform shop price: $ 25.00

The price on Saturday will be $ 15.00



Original price was: $ 90.00

Uniform shop price was: $ 45.00

The price on Saturday will be: $ 20.00


The Parents Forum will be selling coffee, tea, hot chocolate and muffins so come and join us.





We are organising an information evening about cyber bullying and the upcoming changes of the laws in regards on Wednesday the 10th of July at 7:30 pm in the Staffroom. The guest speakers are Andrew Cowie (NEAL) and Senior Constable of the North Shore Police Tania Wansink. Cyber bullying can have devastating effects and we believe that we as parents have to be informed about the consequences. For more information you can also refer to the NZ Herald  the 8th of April.


Please RSVP to  for catering purposes.


Thank you and we are looking forward to seeing you at our events.


Warmest regards,


Parents Forum





Minutes Parents Forum meeting 25th of June 2013


25 June 2013


Present: Beth Porteous, Barbara Scholten, Kate Carlisle, Coralie Lush, Petra Praschnig, Julia Vencatachellum, Annuska Menoita, Tony Klein, Eliza Mackay, Penny Meads


Apologies:  Wendy Calder-Jennings, Tania McDonald, Joanne Duncan, Kristina, Susan Quinn, Joy Bradfield


Minutes from last meeting:

Moved by:  Petra

Seconded by: Beth


Amendments to Minutes from last meeting:

·         The old uniform is for sale for Year 10, 11 and 12. Not for Year 9


Matters arising:

·         Beth investigated the idea of selling apples from a vending machine and contacted Westlake Boys High School (WBHS) and found out that it was not viable. We may look at other options in regard to vending machines at a later date.


Correspondence:  none 


Treasurer’s Report: 

                                                $ 3,916.61                   out: $30.10      badges for girls

$22.00      cheese and crackers for AGM      

In account to date:                  $ 3,864.51



General Business:


·         Vistors Blog:  7600 to date


Sale of Old Uniform on 6 July 2013 from 10.00am till 1.00pm:

·         Set up at 9.00am

·         Exact location to be confirmed

·         Prices of uniform to be confirmed

·         Which Years (10,11,12?) can buy uniform needs to be clarified

·         Tony will speak to Ms Mexted to get exact pricing and Years who can purchase old Uniform

·         We will be selling Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate and muffins as our fundraiser as we are helping the school/uniform shop to sell the uniform

·         We need to get signs made up

·         People helping at uniform sale: Barbara, Petra, Beth, Penny, Kate, student representatives depending on their sport’s schedule 

Sausage Sizzle:

·         Options on when we could do a sausage sizzle were discussed.

·         Tony to find out when the BBQ is available and also dates when we can do a sausage sizzle.

·         Dates suggested: parent teacher interview evenings: 2nd  and 9th July (4-7pm)

·         Also depending on availability of parents to help with the sausage sizzle


Parent Teacher Interview dinner for teachers:

·         Beth is organising it  

·         Julia and Annuska are going to help Beth to set it up


Guest Speakers for 10 July 2013:

·         Andrew Cowie is going to talk about internet bullying and dangerous websites and

·         Senior Constable Tania Wansink will be talking about the new anti-bullying law changes coming into effect this year

·         Parents and students are welcome to this informative talk

·         This is a follow on from the evening with Ro Lange

·         Gold coin donation

·         Tea and coffee will be served


USB Stick:

·         The first shipment will arrive in the next few weeks and we need to name this new Westlake Girl.

·         The following has been suggested:

·         Naming competition:

o Each house will get the opportunity to select 2 names for the Girl

o Barbara will talk to the Service Prefects of each house to explain the competition

o Once the houses have selected the two most popular names, all the names will then be presented to the school at large and the students will get the chance to vote on their preferred name

o The girl who suggested the winning name will receive the “Girl” USB stick as prize.

o Annuska to design posters for the competition

o The dates still need to be set for the competition and naming, but most likely after the school holidays

·         We are hoping that the sales can be made through the payment office. Payment has to be made in advance which will guarantee a USB stick, exact details need to be worked out.


Uniform Voucher ($500.00):

·         The voucher has been donated to the Parent Forum by the Uniform Shop as a thank you for taking on the task of selling the old uniform. We thank the Uniform Shop for their generosity.

·         The sale of the raffles will go ahead as planned and some opportunities for the sale have been identified:

o Open night – date to be confirmed

o Information evening – date to be confirmed

o Enrolment nights on 5th August and 7th August 2013

o For sale to the school community at large – details for sale to be confirmed

o Petra to design raffle tickets

o Date of draw to be confirmed


Special Event on 24 September 2013:

Barbara Scholten was approached by the Sarah Thornton from the North Shore Libraries Foundation to host an evening with:


Dr Kathy Reichs, Forensic Anthropologist and author of the Temperence Brennan books and known by TV audiences as Bones.  Dr Reichs is here to promote her latest book: Bones of the Lost. She is currently creating a new Teen series called Viral. 

We are very excited to have such an inspirational speaker to come to the North Shore and Westlake community to talk to us about her experiences as a scientist and author.

This event will be held in conjunction with WBHS PTA whom we approach today to co-host this event.

All further details will be announced as we are made aware of them.

Please spread the word about this inspiring speaker and bring your girl/s along to the evening.

We will be serving refreshments before the event and Dr Kathy Reichs will be available for signing her books afterwards.   


Meeting closed at 9pm.


Next meeting: 30 July 2012, 7.30pm Staff room WGHS


Upcoming Parent Forum meetings:

27 August 2013

24 September 2013 – Dr Kathy Reichs

22 October 2013

Friday 9 November Teacher Morning Tea

26 November 2013 – Last meeting of the year

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Minutes additional Parents Forum Meeting 4th of June 2013


Additional meeting TUESDAY 4th of June 2013
Present :
Beth Porteous, Barbara Scholten, Petra Praschnig, Kate Carlisle, Coralie Lush, Julia Vencatachellum
Apologies :
 Wendy Calder Jennings, Tania McDonald, Joanne Duncan, Penny Meads,
Eliza, Annuska, Kristina
This meeting was held to discuss the viability and time frame of organising the Mid Winter Christmas event on 5 July 2013.
It was decided that the time frame was too short to get it all organised.  The Parent Forum will focus on continuous/ongoing sales and guest speakers per term for a Gold Coin donation
We also did some brain storming and came up with the following   ideas:
·         USB stick: the Westlake Girl (this has been decided at our last meeting)
o   100 sticks have been ordered and will go on sale through pre-ordering and pre-payment.
o   There will be a competition to naming the “USB-girl”. The winner will receive a “USB-girl”.
o   The sale price is $20.00 per stick.
o   Information in regard to pre-ordering and payment as well as the naming will be announced shortly.
o   Any questions in regard to this please get in touch with Barbara Scholten.
·         The Parent Forum has been approached to sell the ‘old’ uniform on behalf of the Uniform shop.
o   We have decided to give it a go for one Saturday within the next few weeks.
o   The time will be between 10am and 2pm.
o   Date to be confirmed
o   The ‘old’ uniform will be available for sale for Year 9, 10 and 11.
o   We will have refreshments like tea and coffee and some nice chocolates and muffins for sale as well.
o   Barbara to get back to us with dates
·         Ask for permission to install a Apple Vending machine  - Beth will be looking into this
·         The Parent Forum will raffle a Voucher to the value of $500.00 for a new uniform.
o   Tickets will be on sale from the time Enrolment for new students starts
o   Cost of tickets:   $ 5 for 1 ticket                      $12 for 3 tickets
o   Dates will be announced as soon as we know
o   Beth will look into the dates
·         We want to establish a Second Hand Uniform shop with only the new uniform for sale.  We need to get permission from the school and all the details involved with establishing the uniform shop will be discussed at a later date this year.
·         A guest speaker for Term 3 needs to be arranged.
·         For Term 4 we have Kate Carlisle and her husband Al as our guest speakers. The subject will be announced closer to the time.
·         Further suggestions are:
o   High Tea for Poynton residents held at the school hall, no details were discussed.
o   “Trade Show” for parents to have a stand and network and introduce their business to the Westlake community.
As always, all our fundraising will support the Hardship Fund for girls in need.
The meeting closed at 9pm.
Next meeting: Tuesday 25 June 2013, 7.30 pm, Staffroom
Overview of all meetings:
25th of June
30th  of July
27th of August
24th of September
22nd of October
Friday the 9th November Teacher Morning Tea
Last meeting 26th of November