
Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Minutes PF meeting 25th of March 2014



25 March 2014



Present: Petra Praschnig, Paul Davis, Beth Porteous, Barbara Scholten, Julia Vencatachellum


Apologies: Wendy Calder-Jennings, Penny Meads, Jo Duncan, Tania Mc Donald, Denise



Minutes from 28 November 2013 meeting:


Moved: Beth Porteous                                    Seconded: Barbara Scholten


Minutes from last meeting (25 February 2015):


Moved: Petra Praschnig                                 Seconded: Barbara Scholten


Matters arising:

·         Grant will talk to Heta to find Roman Sandals


Correspondence: Nil


Treasurer’s Report:

$ 5.500 was received – USB’s

$ 1000.00 was received  - Roz Mexted


Account Balance:  $7,914.83

Moneys still to be paid:          200 USB stick dolls      $2,600.00


Moneys out going and to be received from Parent/Teacher interviews for catering for teacher dinner. Julia is helping Beth with these events.


General Business:

·         We can now confirm that we have 2 student representatives from Year 12 and 13:

Year 13:           Julia Vencatachellum

                        Millie Jennings

Year 12:           Charlotte Westin

                        Jennifer Gale

·         The PF meeting on 29 July has been changed to 22 July as there is an information evening for the new Year 9 students and their families.

·         Yvonne Godfrey has been confirmed as our guest speaker for 24 June 2014.  Yvonne works with the Parenting Place, with her main group working with young adults from age 17 – 22.

Start at 7.30 with people arriving from 7.00pm. Gold coin donation and we will have tea, coffee, juice, crackers and cheese available before her talk. This event will be held in the staff room.

·         Our scheduled PF meeting will be held before this event at 6.30pm in the staff room. With setting up of the room included in the meeting.

·         Barbara is contacting Tania McDonald in regard to a speaker for Term 4.

·         Barbara is also getting in touch with Dean Flyger in regard to having Cam Calkoen as a guest speaker.

·         Barbara will talk to Roz Mexted in regard to “Feed the Need” fundraiser to see if this concept aligns with the healthy food policy of the school.


AGM:   6 May 2014


Meeting closed: 19.45pm

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Minutes PF Meeting 24th of June 2014



24th June 2014



Present:   Gaya, Moira, Jen, Charlotte, Barbara, Penny, Wendy, Milli


Apologies: Petra, Beth


Minutes from 27 May 2014:


Moved: Barbara Scholten                               Seconded: Wendy Calder


Correspondence:       Nil


Treasurers Report:    -/-


Matters arising:


-          Raffle for Voucher 500.00

-          29 July – open evening prospects Year 9 students. Barbara to introduce the raffle / Parents Forum – 4 pm 1 session and 6 pm 2 session

-          Contact Mr Scull for possible competition of designing the  raffle ticket for $ 500.00


24th September

-          One hours of music – silent auction

-          Screen with logos from the companies who have donated product.

-          Get products for silent auction

-          Liquor licence – Roz wine

-          Dan – put on website about our event.




Meeting closed at 7:15 pm.


Yvonne Godfrey started her speech at 7:30 pm. Was a big success.



Minutes PF Meeting 27th of May 2014



27 May 2014



Present:  , Beth Porteous, Barbara Scholten, Julia Vencatachellum, Petra Praschnig, Judith Horne, Gaya Trietsch, Jennifer, Charlotte


Apologies: Wendy Calder-Jennings, Penny Meads, Tania Duncan, Millie Jennings

Nobody present form the senior management team


Minutes from 25 March 2014:


Moved: Barbara Scholten                                             Seconded: Beth Porteous


Correspondence:             Nil


Treasurers Report:

Balance as of 31.12.2013                                                                                                               $ 7,208.97



24.01.2014           Uniform Group                                                 $   300.00

                                - Donation from Student Welfare Fund

24.03.2014           BM Porteous                                                     $   710.70

                                - Senior Report Evening Catering

24.03.2014           Goldenbake Bakery                                        $   416.00

                                - Senior Report Evening Catering

04.04.2014           BM Porteous                                                     $   548.15

                                - Junior Report Evening Catering              

05.05.2014           Westlake Girls                                                   $2,000.00

                                -Donation from Student Welfare Fund

10.05.2014           Roz Alladoyce                                                    $2,475.61

                                - USB sticks                                                         ________

                                                                                                                $6,450.46                             _______

                                Balance                                                                                                                                $   758.51



BNZ Bank Interest                                                                                                                           $       5.86

WGHS Board of Trustees                                                                                                              $ 1,000.00

-          Uniform Sale Donation

WGHS Board of Trustees                                                                                                              $ 2,200.00

-          Catering                                                                                                                                      ________

Bank Balance to date:                                                                                                                    $3,964.37



Profit on catering:            $525.15


Matters arising:


 A warm welcome to Judith Horne and Gaya Trietsch


·         The Uniform Group has exclusive rights to the sale of second hand uniforms



24 June 2014:

6.30 Parent forum meeting followed by:


7.30 Yvonne Godfrey Guest Speaker – Gold coin donation

Yvonne will be talking to students and parents how to prepare for life after school

o   Students to be invited to this talk as well – to be put into daily notices

o   The event is to be advertised on electronic notice board

o   We will provide tea, coffee, orange juice, crackers, cookies, grapes and cheese


·         No feedback from Grant in regard to the Roman Sandals

·         We have no speaker for Term 4

·         Hopefully we can get Cam Calkoen as speaker for Term 3

·         Barbara still needs to talk to Roz Mexted in regard to “Feed the Need” fundraiser

·         25 June Senior Parent/Teacher interviews

·         01 July Junior Parent/Teacher interviews


Ideas for fundraisers:

WGHS has plenty of USB sticks and won’t be needing any more in the foreseeable future and we need to fundraise.


·         Organising a Gala – this will be looked at in 2015

·         24 September 2014 big music evening at WGHS hall

·         Special dinner with guest speaker and silent auctions at cost of $75.00

·         To contact parents from WGHS to find out what services they could offer to donate for a silent auction

·         We need to contact Cathy from Alumni in regard to “Technology open evening”

·         Music under the Westlake “Cloud” – like Music in the Park – Barbara to talk to Rowan about practicality and protection of courts, we would also like to invite local artists and make a community event

·         At music event to sell raffle tickets for a voucher to the value of $500.00 to be spend on books, stationary, uniform or school fees and donations

o   1 ticket                 $10.00

3 tickets               $20.00

·         2nd and 3rd prices need to be discussed

·         Tickets need to be designed and printed – Barbara to talk to Mr Scull


Meeting closed at 9.00pm





Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Parents Forum minutes 25th of February 2014


25 February 2014



Present: Barbara Scholten, , Julia Vencatachellum, Petra Praschnig, Penny Meads, Wendy Calder-Jennings, Vandane Sharma, Cathy Roughan (Alumni Co-ordinator)


Apologies: Tania McDonald,  Susan Quinn, Annuska Menoita, Jo Duncan, Beth Porteous, Denise, Mikal


Minutes from last meeting:
Moved:                       Second: 

Minutes were not moved or seconded as there was no copy available.


Matters arising: none


Correspondence: Nil


Treasure’s Report:

There was no Treasurers report available.


$300.00 went to a Philippino family to help with their uniform cost. The family did fundraise the rest of the money to pay for two students’ uniforms.

Moneys still to come:

·         Cathy Reichs – Friends of the Library:            $      70.00

Barbara to send an email to Sarah Thornton in this regard but also needs to be checked with treasurer.

·         $1,000.00 are still to come from Roz Mexted for our contribution for the old uniform sale in July 2013  - Barbara to follow up

·         All other money owing will have been received by now but we need to wait for treasure’s report at the next meeting


Beth to organise a receipt/invoice book for Barbara for the USB sticks supplied to WGHS


Matters arising:

·         In regard to “Golden Gown” fundraiser it has been decided that we will not be hosting this event as a fundraiser

·         In regard to the old uniforms Barbara will get in touch with Heta to see if he can help her locate the old jandels so we can sell them


We welcomed Cathy Roughan who is the Alumni co-ordinator. She has been working hard to get the Alumni “family” growing. Cathy is working with Westlake Boys High School and also with the community at large.

She is especially interested to get in touch with former staff, students and their parents. She has a real interest in working closer with the Parent Forum to connect with as many current students and their families as possible. Cathy would like to find out more about the parents and their professions to link them into her network of contacts.

Also, she is looking for any kind of memorabilia eg. old uniforms, posters, etc to showcase in the Alumni.

Cathy can be contacted via email:


This year the Alumni is supporting the Technology Department in their Showcasing the Technology Department on 22 October 2014 in the evening. The Parent Forum will support this event with food and refreshments.


We are looking forward to meeting up with Cathy from time to time over the year.


Student Representatives:

·         Sadly, Annuska Menoita is resigning from the Parent Forum as her commitments as a Prefect have taken priority

·         We are currently looking for a student representative from Year 13 and also 2 student representatives from Year 12

·         Millie Jennings has been suggested as a Year 12 rep as well as Charlotte Westin

·         Julia also knows a girl who is really interested in becoming a student representative on the Parent Forum

·         Barbara also has a few girls in mind who may be interested in representing the students’ view on the Parent Forum


Senior Management Representatives:

·         We are looking forward to welcoming a senior management representative again this year to our meetings – meeting dates as follows


Fundraiser for the Year 2014:

Ø  Yvonne Godfrey has offered to be one of our guest speaker for this year. Dates to be confirmed – most likely in Term2

Ø  Cam Calkoen has also been suggested as a motivational guest speaker – the dates we have in mind would be 7th or 11th April 2014. Dates still to be confirmed

Ø  Wendy to get in touch with Tania to see if she could organise someone from “7 Days” to be one of our guest speakers, or any other person Tania may have in mind

·         Barbara has been approached by the Charity: Feed the Need to supply us with a wending machine selling “up and Go” breakfasts which is supplied by Sanitarium.

The school will receive 40c per item sold and 40c will go to “Feed the Need” non-profitable organisation.

Barbara will get in touch with Roz Mexted to discuss this matter.


Parent Forum Dates for 2014:

25 March                    Meeting at 7.30pm

06 May                        AGM

27 May                        Meeting at 7.30pm

24 June                        Meeting at 7.30pm

29 July                         Meeting at 7.30pm

26 August                    Meeting at 7.30pm

23 September             Meeting at 7.30pm

22 October                  Technology Department Showcase Evening

28 October                  Meeting at 7.30pm

07 November              Teacher Morning Tea

25 November              Last Meeting of the year at 7.30pm

28 November              Christmas Party



Meeting closed at 8.45pm                                                     

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Parents Forum Meeting Tuesday the 25th of February at 7:30 in the staffroom

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We would like to invite you to our first PF meeting of this year. It will be held in the Staffroom on Tuesday the 25th of February at 7:30.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Warmest regards,


Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Minutes Meeting 26th of November 2013


26 November 2013



Present: Barbara Scholten, Jo Duncan, Beth Porteous, Julia Vencatachellum, Petra Praschnig, Kristina, Penny Meads, Wendy Calder-Jennings


Apologies: Tania McDonald, Eliza Mackay, Susan Quinn, Annuska Menoita


Minutes from last meeting:
Moved:  Petra Praschnig                    Second:  Barbara Scholten


Matters arising: none


Correspondence: Nil


Treasures Report:

Balance at last meeting:                                                                                             $ 4,416.40


Cathy Reichs:

Auckland City – Liquor licence                                   $     64.40

Archers Sushi                                                              $   525.00

BM Porteous                                                               $   130.00

Roz Allardice – USB Sticks                                          $1,202.58

B/J GST of T/T                                                             $      25.00_________________________

                                                                                    $1,946.98                                $ 2,469.42                                                                     


USB sticks – WGHS                                                      $1,700.00

USB sticks – Sales WGHS                                            $   100.00

Cathy Reichs - Donations                                            $   100.00

Cathy Reichs – Food and Wine                                   $   338.00

Cathy Reichs – Eftpos takings                                     $   132.00

USB sticks – WGHS                                                      $   200.00

USB sticks – WGHS                                                      $4,000.00_________________________

                                                                                    $6,570.00                                $ 9,039.42

Income USB sticks to date:                 $6,000.00


Cathy Reichs:  Expenditure:    $ 719.40

                        Income:           $ 570.00  

            Loss:                    -       $ 149.40


Moneys still to come:

·         Cathy Reichs – Friends of the Library:            $      70.00

Barbara to send an email to Sarah Thornton in this regard.

·         There are still moneys outstanding from WGHS for USB sticks supplied

·         Barbara to get a receipt book to record USB sticks supplied to WGHS

·         Beth to talk to Roz at payments office to collect money for sold USB sticks

·         $1,000.00 are still to come from Roz Mexted for our contribution for the old uniform sale in July 2013 


Teachers’ Morning Tea:

The morning tea has been a great success.

·         The teachers loved it and had a really good time and appreciated all the wonderful food and presents that were raffled off.

·         Kings Plant Barn on Forrest Hill Road lent us plants for decorating the staff room. Thank you very much for your ongoing support of Westlake Girls High School and the Parent Forum.

·         We would like to thank all the parents who contributed to this successful day with their baking and also help on the day.

·         Thank you to the parents who donated presents for the teachers. All 30+ presents were much appreciated.


Matters arising:

·         No decision has been in regard to “Golden Gown” fundraiser

·          The Parent Forum needs to be included in the VOICE newsletter under the heading “Community”

·         Barbara to talk to Helen in regard to the notice from the Parent Forum to be included in the VOICE

·         We will discuss the prize for the Prize Giving 2014 in more detail in 2014


End of Year Christmas Function:

Venue: Barbara Scholten, 55a Saddleback Rise, Mairangi Bay

Date:  29 November 2013

Time:  from 6.30pm onwards

Please bring a plate

Please confirm with Barbara if you are coming


Meeting closed at 8.45pm


We would like to thank all the parents/caregivers/families of Westlake Girls High School   for their ongoing support of the Parent Forum.

A special thank you goes to the dedicated staff that has been supportive of our efforts. The Management Team has been extremely helpful with their insights and support of our ideas at our meetings. 


We wish you all a very joyous and relaxed Christmas and a very happy and successful

New Year. We hope to welcome you in 2014, our door is always open.


First meeting in 2014:  25 February 2014 at 7.30pm in the staff room.