25 March
Present: Petra
Praschnig, Paul Davis, Beth Porteous, Barbara Scholten, Julia Vencatachellum
Apologies: Wendy
Calder-Jennings, Penny Meads, Jo Duncan, Tania Mc Donald, Denise
Minutes from 28 November 2013 meeting:
Moved: Beth Porteous Seconded:
Barbara Scholten
Minutes from last meeting (25 February 2015):
Moved: Petra Praschnig Seconded:
Barbara Scholten
Matters arising:
Grant will talk
to Heta to find Roman Sandals
Correspondence: Nil
Treasurer’s Report:
5.500 was received – USB’s
1000.00 was received - Roz Mexted
Balance: $7,914.83
still to be paid: 200 USB stick
dolls $2,600.00
out going and to be received from Parent/Teacher interviews for catering for
teacher dinner. Julia is helping Beth with these events.
General Business:
We can now
confirm that we have 2 student representatives from Year 12 and 13:
13: Julia Vencatachellum
Millie Jennings
12: Charlotte Westin
Jennifer Gale
The PF meeting on
29 July has been changed to 22 July as there is an
information evening for the new Year 9 students and their families.
Yvonne Godfrey
has been confirmed as our guest speaker for 24 June 2014. Yvonne works
with the Parenting Place, with her main group working with young adults from
age 17 – 22.
at 7.30 with people arriving from 7.00pm. Gold coin donation and we will have
tea, coffee, juice, crackers and cheese available before her talk. This event
will be held in the staff room.
Our scheduled PF
meeting will be held before this event at 6.30pm in the staff room. With
setting up of the room included in the meeting.
Barbara is
contacting Tania McDonald in regard to a speaker for Term 4.
Barbara is also
getting in touch with Dean Flyger in regard to having Cam Calkoen as a guest
Barbara will talk
to Roz Mexted in regard to “Feed the Need” fundraiser to see if this concept
aligns with the healthy food policy of the school.
AGM: 6 May
Meeting closed: 19.45pm