26 November 2013
Present: Barbara
Scholten, Jo Duncan, Beth Porteous, Julia Vencatachellum, Petra Praschnig,
Kristina, Penny Meads, Wendy Calder-Jennings
Tania McDonald, Eliza Mackay, Susan Quinn, Annuska Menoita
Minutes from last meeting:
Moved: Petra Praschnig Second: Barbara Scholten
Moved: Petra Praschnig Second: Barbara Scholten
Matters arising: none
Correspondence: Nil
Treasures Report:
Balance at last meeting: $
Cathy Reichs:
Auckland City – Liquor
licence $ 64.40
Archers Sushi $ 525.00
BM Porteous $ 130.00
Roz Allardice – USB Sticks $1,202.58
B/J GST of T/T $ 25.00_________________________
$1,946.98 $ 2,469.42
USB sticks – WGHS $1,700.00
USB sticks – Sales WGHS $ 100.00
Cathy Reichs - Donations $ 100.00
Cathy Reichs – Food and
Wine $ 338.00
Cathy Reichs – Eftpos
takings $ 132.00
USB sticks – WGHS $ 200.00
USB sticks – WGHS $4,000.00_________________________
$6,570.00 $ 9,039.42
Income USB sticks to date: $6,000.00
Cathy Reichs: Expenditure: $
Income: $
Loss: - $
Moneys still to come:
Cathy Reichs –
Friends of the Library: $ 70.00
to send an email to Sarah Thornton in this regard.
There are still
moneys outstanding from WGHS for USB sticks supplied
Barbara to get a
receipt book to record USB sticks supplied to WGHS
Beth to talk to
Roz at payments office to collect money for sold USB sticks
$1,000.00 are
still to come from Roz Mexted for our contribution for the old uniform sale in
July 2013
Teachers’ Morning Tea:
The morning tea has been a great success.
The teachers
loved it and had a really good time and appreciated all the wonderful food and
presents that were raffled off.
Kings Plant Barn
on Forrest Hill Road lent us plants for decorating the staff room. Thank you
very much for your ongoing support of Westlake Girls High School and the Parent
We would like to
thank all the parents who contributed to this successful day with their baking
and also help on the day.
Thank you to the
parents who donated presents for the teachers. All 30+ presents were much
Matters arising:
No decision has
been in regard to “Golden Gown” fundraiser
The Parent Forum needs to be included in the
VOICE newsletter under the heading “Community”
Barbara to talk
to Helen in regard to the notice from the Parent Forum to be included in the
We will discuss
the prize for the Prize Giving 2014 in more detail in 2014
End of Year Christmas Function:
Barbara Scholten, 55a Saddleback Rise, Mairangi Bay
Date: 29
November 2013
Time: from 6.30pm onwards
Please bring a plate
Please confirm with
Barbara if you are coming
Meeting closed at 8.45pm
We would like
to thank all the parents/caregivers/families of Westlake Girls High School for their ongoing support of the Parent
A special
thank you goes to the dedicated staff that has been supportive of our efforts.
The Management Team has been extremely helpful with their insights and support
of our ideas at our meetings.
We wish you all a very joyous and relaxed Christmas
and a very happy and successful
New Year. We hope to welcome you in 2014, our door is
always open.
First meeting in 2014:
25 February 2014 at 7.30pm in the staff room.