
Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Minutes AGM 6th of May 2014


AGM 6 MAY 2014


Present: Roz Mexted, Petra Praschnig, Barbara Scholten, Beth Porteous, Penny Meads, Wendy Clader Jennings, Khaled Fahmy, Arnira Hassouna, Mandy curry, Ngozi Penson, Sonja Willcox, Jiong Lim, Julia Vencatachellum, Charlotte Western, Jennifer Gale, Millie Jennings


Apologies: Tania McDonald, Jo Duncan, Annuska Menoita


Introduction to Guest Speaker:            Ms Roz Mexted – Principal Westlake Girls High School

Spoke about:

Progress at School:  academic, web site, working together with Westlake Boys High School, Music,

Other projects: Building maintenance, School donations, Wananga project on hold.


Alumni: Kathy Rowan is coordinator


Detailed report: attached



Minutes from last AGM 2013:

Moved: Barbara Scholten                                           Second:  Beth Porteous


Matters Arising:            nil


Correspondence:         nil


Treasurer’s Report:     see attached

Moved:   Wendy Clader                                                                Second:  Barbara Scholten


Chairperson Report:  see attached


Election of Officers:


Chairperson:  Barbara Scholten

Secretary:  Petra Praschnig  

Teasurer:  Beth Porteous

Student Representatives:  Year 13:   Julia Vencatachellum

                                                              Millie Jennings

                                                 Year 12:            Jennifer Gate           

                                                                     Charlotte Western

Welcome from new chair to parents and presentation of Parent Forum badge for Student representatives.


Tea and Coffee


Conclusion: 9:00 pm



Thursday, 2 April 2015

Minutes PF Meeting 24th of February 2015



24 February 2015


Present: Barbara Scholten, Charlotte, Penny Meads, Beth Porteous, Petra Praschnig, David Wang, Grace Hao, Marlene Robinson, Vicki Johnson, Janet Blind, Jane Pinder


Appologies: Jen, Robin Andrews


Minutes from last meeting:

Moved: Petra Praschnig                                 Second: Beth


Correspondence:  Nil


Treasurer’s Report:


23 September 2014:

Balance 22/09/2014                                       $ 4,510.97

Bank interest 29/08/2014                               $____5.55

Balance as at 23/09/2014                              $ 4,516.52



24 February 2014:

Balance 23/09/2014                                                                                       $ 4,516.52



Parents Donations:                                          $    280.00

Sales Kathy Reichs Evening                             $    376.62

                                                                        $    656.62                               _________

                                                                                                                        $ 5,173.14      


BM Porteous – Technology Evening                                       $      68.16       _________


Balance as at 24/02/2015                                                                              $ 5,104.98



Matters arising:


AGM:  28 April 2015 at 7.30pm in staff room.


Barbara extended a warm welcome to the new parents to the Parent Forum. She went on to explain the Student Welfare Fund to the new parents.



We are aiming to have one guest speaker per term for community involvement and education.


Suggestions: Kem Calcoughn

                      Allyson Gofton

We are welcoming any suggestions in regard to interesting speakers. Please contact Barbara via email with your suggestions or come to our next meeting.


We still need speakers for Terms 2, 3 and 4.


Main Fundraiser:

Concert Westlake (Boys and Girls) orchestras with cultural dancing. This will be in conjunction with Westlake Boys PTA and will be held at the auditorium at Westlake Boys. Barbara to talk to Rowan from the music department in regards to available dates. Barbara to report back at next meeting. Barbara also to talk to Mandy from WBHS PTA in regard to coordinating the event.


Other Fundraising suggestions:


·         Coffee and dessert – meet/connect with other parents

·         Cinema Evening – Berkley or Bridgeway Cinemas

·         Sausage sizzle for teacher/parent evenings – dates needed

·         Style Doctors

·         Girls Night Out – Camille School of Beauty


Barbara: Please get in touch with Jane Downey in regard to WG event calendar for open dates.


We are developing a form to find out the talent and support possibilities of the Westlake Girls parents/caregivers. If you have any suggestions please contact Barbara via email or come to our next meeting.


Meeting closed: 8.40 pm


Next meeting:

24 March 2015 at 7.30 in staff room (administration building)




Minutes PF Meeting 24th of March 2015



24 March2015


Present: Barbara Scholten, Mandy Curry, Petra Praschnig, Vicki Johnson, Janet Blind, Paul Davis


Appologies: Charlotte, Penny Meads, Beth Porteous, Jen, Tania McDonald


Minutes from last meeting:


Corrections to Treasurer’s Report:

Date correction from February 2014 to 2015

Treasurer’s Report:


23 September 2014:

Balance 22/09/2014                                       $ 4,510.97

Bank interest 29/08/2014                               $____5.55

Balance as at 23/09/2014                              $ 4,516.52



24 February 2015:

Balance 23/09/2014                                                                                       $ 4,516.52



Parents Donations:                                          $    280.00

Sales Kathy Reichs Evening                             $    376.62

                                                                        $    656.62                               _________

                                                                                                                        $ 5,173.14      


BM Porteous – Technology Evening                                       $      68.16       _________


Balance as at 24/02/2015                                                                              $ 5,104.98



Correction of spelling of Name:

Cam Calkoen


Moved: Barbara Scholten                              Second: Janet Blind


Correspondence:  Nil

Treasurer’s Report: no change, see above


Matters arising:


·          We need 2 girls from Year 12 to join the Parent Forum as student representatives


·         We need helpers please for the Parent/Teacher interviews on 24 and 30 June 2015 at 2.30pm to help prepare the food and tidy up after teachers’ dinner


·         Mandy filled us in about being approached by Paper Plus for the book launch of Karina and Casey, winner of MasterChef 2014.

This will be held at WBHS on 13 April 2015. Cost $15 pp in the staff room, nibbles and drinks are available. For more detail please contact WBHS PTA.


Barbara will get in touch with Karina and Casey later in the year to see if they would be available for an evening at WGHS.


·         For further book launches Barbara will contact Paper Plus and see if we can host one for WGHS.


·         Further ideas for guest speaker:

o   Kate Sylvester (fashion designer) – Vicky will get in touch with her to see what her availability is and conditions of her speaking to parents and students

o   Alison Mooney (personality profiler) – Vicky will get in touch with her

o   Allyson Gofton (celebrity chef) – Petra to get in touch with her

o   Josh Emmet (celebrity chef) – Barbara to get in touch with him


·         Barbara to get in touch with Grant in regard to staffroom bookings


·         Vicky to follow up on a movie night at the Bridgeway


·         Main fundraiser is the performance night of the combined Westlake orchestra

Rowan will be on maternity leave from 30 March 2015. Fiona Wilson and Vicky Hall will be looking after the orchestra


·         WBHS is holding a Christmas Fair at the end of October 2015. If anyone is interested to have a stall at the Christmas Fair please contact WBHS PTA. This is held like a European Christmas market.


·         WBHS PTA held a “Meet the Leaders” evening mainly for Year 9 parents and anyone who was interested. Drinks and nibbles were provided. They had speakers to introduce:


Board of Trustees


Foundation Board

Head Boy



·         It was suggested that we hold an evening for new parents in regard to explain NCEA (Never Clearly Explained Assessment)

We would like your feedback on this please


·         Donna Pike (Assistant Principal) will be speaking at the AGM on 28 April 2015, at 7.30pm in the staffroom in the Administration Building. Drinks and nibbles will be provided.

Meeting closed at 8.40pm


Next meeting: AGM 28 April 2015 at 7.30

            There will be a short PF meeting at 6.30




Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Minutes PF meeting 25th of March 2014



25 March 2014



Present: Petra Praschnig, Paul Davis, Beth Porteous, Barbara Scholten, Julia Vencatachellum


Apologies: Wendy Calder-Jennings, Penny Meads, Jo Duncan, Tania Mc Donald, Denise



Minutes from 28 November 2013 meeting:


Moved: Beth Porteous                                    Seconded: Barbara Scholten


Minutes from last meeting (25 February 2015):


Moved: Petra Praschnig                                 Seconded: Barbara Scholten


Matters arising:

·         Grant will talk to Heta to find Roman Sandals


Correspondence: Nil


Treasurer’s Report:

$ 5.500 was received – USB’s

$ 1000.00 was received  - Roz Mexted


Account Balance:  $7,914.83

Moneys still to be paid:          200 USB stick dolls      $2,600.00


Moneys out going and to be received from Parent/Teacher interviews for catering for teacher dinner. Julia is helping Beth with these events.


General Business:

·         We can now confirm that we have 2 student representatives from Year 12 and 13:

Year 13:           Julia Vencatachellum

                        Millie Jennings

Year 12:           Charlotte Westin

                        Jennifer Gale

·         The PF meeting on 29 July has been changed to 22 July as there is an information evening for the new Year 9 students and their families.

·         Yvonne Godfrey has been confirmed as our guest speaker for 24 June 2014.  Yvonne works with the Parenting Place, with her main group working with young adults from age 17 – 22.

Start at 7.30 with people arriving from 7.00pm. Gold coin donation and we will have tea, coffee, juice, crackers and cheese available before her talk. This event will be held in the staff room.

·         Our scheduled PF meeting will be held before this event at 6.30pm in the staff room. With setting up of the room included in the meeting.

·         Barbara is contacting Tania McDonald in regard to a speaker for Term 4.

·         Barbara is also getting in touch with Dean Flyger in regard to having Cam Calkoen as a guest speaker.

·         Barbara will talk to Roz Mexted in regard to “Feed the Need” fundraiser to see if this concept aligns with the healthy food policy of the school.


AGM:   6 May 2014


Meeting closed: 19.45pm

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Minutes PF Meeting 24th of June 2014



24th June 2014



Present:   Gaya, Moira, Jen, Charlotte, Barbara, Penny, Wendy, Milli


Apologies: Petra, Beth


Minutes from 27 May 2014:


Moved: Barbara Scholten                               Seconded: Wendy Calder


Correspondence:       Nil


Treasurers Report:    -/-


Matters arising:


-          Raffle for Voucher 500.00

-          29 July – open evening prospects Year 9 students. Barbara to introduce the raffle / Parents Forum – 4 pm 1 session and 6 pm 2 session

-          Contact Mr Scull for possible competition of designing the  raffle ticket for $ 500.00


24th September

-          One hours of music – silent auction

-          Screen with logos from the companies who have donated product.

-          Get products for silent auction

-          Liquor licence – Roz wine

-          Dan – put on website about our event.




Meeting closed at 7:15 pm.


Yvonne Godfrey started her speech at 7:30 pm. Was a big success.