
Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Minutes Parents Forum Meeting 28th of May 2012

MONDAY 28 MAY 2012

Present :
Tracey Pearce, Petra Vencatachellum, Kristina Kim, Penny Meads, Donna Pike, Linda Lee, Beth Porteous, Michelle Fleming, Bridgette Ferguson, Barbara Scholten, Wendy Calder-Jennings, Joanne Duncan

Apologies :
Tania, Yvette

Minutes from March meeting read
Moved true and correct : Petra
Seconded : Beth and Barbara


1.  AGM.  Discussed turnout and appointments made


1.  Account from Fashion A&E Ltd (Style Doctor) for upcoming event


Showing current balance as at 28/5/12 of $1,551.02
Upcoming events to boost this amount over the next 2 months


Parents Forum :
Blog visitors to date number 2780.
Suggested that Deans of each year could promote this Blog
Kristina Kim, Year 12 student excited to be involved with Parents Forum, and the opportunity to assist with improving communication between students and teachers

Westlake Bears : have ordered 100 for Parents Forum to sell.   Additional order placed by the school.
Will be promoted during Jubilee celebrations
Ongoing will be sold via Parents Forum.

Fundraising : to provide hardship assistance, and to build a ‘reflective garden’.
Other options to consider : covered walkways.
We need to ascertain available funds before we can commit

Hardship Fund :
Monies distributed by selected committee.  Parameters for qualification and use of this fund to be determined before any monies gifted.

Senior Management Rep at Parents Forum meetings.   Schedule has been drawn up for the lucky SMR attendee.

Style Doctors Evening – 31 August
$25.00 per ticket with wine and nibbles available.   In addition will have Silent Auction and raffles.

Responsibilities for event :

Auction and Raffle Items
Barbara S to look after goods for auction and raffle.   Promotion of this through blog, with delivery of items to school on the day, or if needed to be dropped off – can do so at the Uniform Shop, Monday 2.30 – 4.30, or Wednesday 3.00pm – 5.00pm.  Beth will happily look after the items
Liquor Licence
Joanne Duncan
Ticket Design
Kristina to co-ordinate using art students.   Barbara to provide information for tickets
Banner, flyers, blog
Ticket sales
Sold through school.  Notices with tear off slips to be available.
Beth and Donna to be point of contact at school
Michelle to promote through WBHS web site

Site requirements
Beth to confirm availability of staff room
Joanne to check availability of Catwalk from WBHS
Decorations : Donna to contact ‘The Academy’ for flowers etc
Suggest Noodle boxes with pre plated nibbles
Wine, juice, beer, glasses
Wendy and Penny to organise
Tania to investigate possibilities
Liaison with Style Doctors
Petra offered to be liaison


Held over Labour Weekend with formal dinner being held WBHS venue.

Event will also include High Afternoon Tea, gourmet lunch baskets.

Sports games organised

Jackie Brown evening

Successful evening talking to parents and students.  Suggestion that this talk is held annually.


Update by Michelle.

Discussion around having a combined schools teachers morning tea.   Time constraints do not make this easy, suggested a lunch instead.

PTA and Parents Forum combined event, suggest 14 September.   Anticipate 40 people.

Michelle to contact Spencer on Bryon as venue option 

Next meeting 25 June 7.30pm

Meeting closed 8.55pm

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Parents Forum first fundraiser: The Style Doctors "What Not To Wear"

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Some of you might have already heard that we are organizing our first fundraiser "The Style Doctors" on the 31st of August 2012. More details about the event will follow closer to the date.

The funds raised will go towards:

1)      “The Hardship Fund” (we will have a Hardship Fund Committee inside the Parents Forum)

2)      A garden where the girls will be able to relax

This time our focus will be mainly the “Hardship Fund” and we are going to need your support. That night there will be a raffle and a silent auction and in order to make this successful we need donations. I have been asked to come up with some ideas so here we go…..

Some ideas for the raffle could be:


Make up

Books (signed or not)

Vouchers (Farmers, Warehouse etc)

Signature for a magazine

Bottle of wine etc etc

Some ideas for the silent auction could be:

Bach for a weekend

One night in a hotel with breakfast


Teeth whitening


Photo sessions

Box of wine


Electronics  etc etc

These are just ideas. If you are able to help with any of these or other ideas you might have, could you please contact me at: or 021 0264 3850

We thank you in advance for your help, it is highly appreciated.

Warmest regards,

Parents Forum

Barbara Scholten

Minutes AGM 30th of April 2012

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Please find hereby the Minutes of the latest AGM. We hope we have spelled your names correct, if not could you please let me know.






3O APRIL 2012

Present: Barbara Scholten, Wendy Calder-Jennings, Beth Porteous, Roz Mexted, Yvette George, Petra Vencatachellum, Jacob Samuel, Cathy Lawson, Mary Briton, Christine Comber,

Bridgette Ferguson, Joanne Addison-Saipe, Maria Salt, Joy Bradfield, Sue Thomson, Geoff Schunselaar, Donnamrie Edwards,

Students: Grace Hwang, Kelly Kim, Kristina Kim


Tania McDonald, Joanne Duncan


A global email was sent to all parents and care givers notifying them of the Annual General Meeting


Minutes of the last AGM were circulated and confirmed as a true and correct record.

Moved: Beth Porteous                        Seconded: Petra Vencatachellum

Matters arising:


Financial Report:

The Financial Accounts for 2009, 2010 and 2011 were presented by Beth Porteous

Seconded: Barbara Scholten

Election of Officers:

Ms Roz Mexted took the chair for the Election of Officers:

Chairperson:   Barbara Scholten

            Moved: Beth Porteous                        Seconded: Wendy Calver-Jennings

Secretary:  Bridgette Ferguson

            Moved: Beth Porteous                        Seconded: Petra Vencatachellum

Treasurer:  Beth Porteous

            Moved: Petra Vencatachellum           Seconded: Yvette George


Petra Vencatachellum, Yvette George, Tania McDonald, Joanne Duncan

Principals Report:

·         ERO is expected in the next 2-3 weeks.

·         Great focus is being laid on student and teacher development

·         Task groups have been formed to address development and implementation of new strategies and policies

General Business:

·         Explaining to the parents what the Parent Forum stands for and its purpose:

            Supporting girls that need financial assistance with various outings, uniform etc. that       are not Sport related. The girls approach the McKenzie Trust first and if further help      is required the Parent Forum will then step in.

·         A lot of work and guidelines need to be worked over the next months

·         We plan to have one major fundraising event each year to support the school and students. This year is an evening with the Style Doctors who are a hands on women’s team to help us ladies dress to our advantage regardless of size, height and shape. This is a fun evening.

·         We also plan to have one information evening once a term to inform parents about issues that arise when raising and living with teenagers. Our first one will be on Monday 21 May 2012, 7.30 pm in the staff room where Senior Constable Jacqie Brown from the North Shore Police will talk to us about in general how to detect that your daughter has any problems in regards, to drugs, bullying etc and strategies that can be put into place.

Guest Speaker:

Ms Roz Mexted:

Ms Mexted gave a presentation on the challenges and changes that school face in the 21st Century. She introduced her vision for the school and how to implement those challenges and changes into the curriculum and preparing our girls for the world “outside”.

The talk was very informative and an eye opener what is required of schools today.

The meeting closed at 9.45pm.

Next regular meeting: 28 May 2012, 7.30pm

Monday, 28 May 2012

Parents Forum Meeting Monday the 28th of May

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Please join us today at 7:30 in the Staffroom at WGHS.

Thank you and see you there.

Warmest regards,


Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Tips for Parenting Teenagers

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

We would like to thank all the parents who were present last Monday at our first official event with Jacqie Brown. We believe that we all have learned a lot from her that evening.

She recommended the following books:

* The Great Brain Robbery by Tom Scott & Trevor Grice

* Before Your Teenagers Drive You Crazy, Read This by Nigel Latta

* Attitude books - specifically the one 'Connected' however any in the series of 5 that they publish are a good read.

The address of “The Parenting Place” is: 300 Great South Road, Greenlane. You will find lots of resources and a very nice cafĂ©.

Another book which is a big help for parents is "The five love languages of teenagers" and "The five love languages of children" by Gary Chapman.

We hope to see you all on June the 27th at Westlake Boys High School when Bruce and Amanda Pilbrow will talk about Parenting Teenagers.

We wish you a great and successful week.

Warmest regards,

Parents Forum

Barbara Scholten

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Hot tips event Parenting Teenagers at WBHS 27th of June

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

One of our goals is to work together with the WBHS PTA to help each other with the organization of several events and to increase the reachout to the community.

WBHS PTA is organizing a "Hot Tips Event Parenting Teenagers" on the 27th of June 2012. You can buy your tickets for this event online at, or at WBHS Student Service Centre or you can email
Enquiries: Jayne Jarrold , 09 410 8421

Please find more details below.

Warmest regards,

Barbara Scholten

Hot tips event Parenting Teenagers

with Bruce and Amanda Pilbrow

Where: Westlake Boys High School, 30 Forrest Hill Road, Forrest Hill

When: Wednesday the 27th of June

Doors open 7pm, starts 7.30pm

Tickets: Single $20 Double $35

Tickets from or Westlake Boys Student Services Centre or email Enquiries: Jayne Jarrold, 09 410 8421

Bruce and Amanda Pilbrow will show you how to understand your teenager, how to communicate with them and how to give them the love and limits that will get them through their teenage years.

Topics covered include:

·        challenging and inspiring your teen 

·        respect, boundaries and consequences

·        sex, drugs and alcohol 

·        moving towards flying solo - they need you but also need to  start breaking away

Bruce Pilbrow is a Westlake old-boy, and currently CEO of The Parenting Place. He has been a member of the Families Commission and speaks frequently on television and in other media on family and parenting issues. Amanda is a full-time youth-worker and an artist.

You’ll go home from this event with new ideas, a heap of tips to try and a big dose of optimism.

Reminder: Drugs, an overview of the law and how it can impact you and your daughter.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

As part of our upcoming events, we would like to invite you to this very informative talk by Senior Constable Jacqie Brown from NZ Police, North Shore Branch. 

Jacqie will touch on how you can recognize that your daughter is taking drugs, is being bullied etc. She will also talk about strategies on how to keep your daughter safe. Afterwards Jacqie will be happy to answer any questions you have.   

When: Monday the 21st of May

Where: WGHS Staffroom

Time: 7:30 pm 

The main entrance will be closed at this time of the evening, so please walk around the left side of the Administration Building, come through the back entrance, up the stairs and  then turn left. 

Refreshments will be served. A gold coin donation would be appreciated to cover the costs.

Thank you and we are looking forward to seeing you there.

Warmest regards,

Parents Forum WGHS

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Drugs, an overview of the law and how it can impact you and your daughter

The Parents Forum presents:

Drugs, an overview of the law and how it can impact you and your daughter.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

As part of our upcoming events, we would like to invite you to this very informative talk by Senior Constable Jacqie Brown from NZ Police, North Shore Branch.

Jacqie will touch on how you can recognize that your daughter is taking drugs, is being bullied etc. She will also talk about strategies on how to keep your daughter safe. Afterwards Jacqie will be happy to answer any questions you have. 

When: Monday the 21st of May

Where: WGHS Staffroom

Time: 7:30 pm 

The main entrance will be closed at this time of the evening, so please walk around the left side of the Administration Building, come through the back entrance, up the stairs and  then turn left. 

Refreshments will be served. A gold coin donation would be appreciated to cover the costs.

We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Warmest regards,

The Parents Forum 

AGM Parents Forum

Dear parents and caregivers,

First we would like to thank all the parents who have emailed us showing their interest in the Parents Forum. At the AGM we had the pleasure of meeting several of you, thank you so much for coming. We hope you will be present at the coming meetings as well. As discussed we do need your support in order to be successful.

The elections went well and the following officers were elected:

Barbara Scholten:     Chairperson
Bridgitte Ferguson:   Secretary
Beth Porteous:           Treasurer

The Committee Members are Wendy Calder, Petra Vencatachellum, Tania McDonald and Yvette George. 

The student representatives are Eliza Mackay and Kristina Kim.

The representative of the Senior Management will be selected by Ms Roz Mexted and she will inform us.

Again thank you and we are looking forward to seeing you at our next meeting.

Warmest regards,
