
Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Drugs, an overview of the law and how it can impact you and your daughter

The Parents Forum presents:

Drugs, an overview of the law and how it can impact you and your daughter.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

As part of our upcoming events, we would like to invite you to this very informative talk by Senior Constable Jacqie Brown from NZ Police, North Shore Branch.

Jacqie will touch on how you can recognize that your daughter is taking drugs, is being bullied etc. She will also talk about strategies on how to keep your daughter safe. Afterwards Jacqie will be happy to answer any questions you have. 

When: Monday the 21st of May

Where: WGHS Staffroom

Time: 7:30 pm 

The main entrance will be closed at this time of the evening, so please walk around the left side of the Administration Building, come through the back entrance, up the stairs and  then turn left. 

Refreshments will be served. A gold coin donation would be appreciated to cover the costs.

We are looking forward to seeing you there.

Warmest regards,

The Parents Forum 

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