
Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Minutes of AGM 30th of April 2012




3O APRIL 2012


Present: Barbara Scholten, Wendy Calder-Jennings, Beth Porteous, Roz Mexted, Yvette George, Petra Vencatachellum, Jacob Samuel, Cathy Lawson, Mary Briton, Christine Comber,

Bridgette Ferguson, Joanne Addison-Saipe, Maria Salt, Joy Bradfield, Sue Thomson, Geoff Sehunselaar, Donnamrie Edwards,

Students: Grace Hwang, Kelly Kim, Kristina Kim



Tania McDonald, Joanne Duncan



A global email was sent to all parents and care givers notifying them of the Annual General Meeting



Minutes of the last AGM were circulated and confirmed as a true and correct record.

Moved: Beth Porteous                        Seconded: Petra Vencatachellum


Matters arising:



Financial Report:

The Financial Accounts for 2009, 2010 and 2011 were presented by Beth Porteous

Seconded: Barbara Scholten


Election of Officers:

Ms Roz Mexted took the chair for the Election of Officers:


Chairperson:   Barbara Scholten

            Moved: Beth Porteous                        Seconded: Wendy Calver-Jennings

Secretary:  Bridgette Ferguson

            Moved: Beth Porteous                        Seconded: Petra Vencatachellum

Treasurer:  Beth Porteous

            Moved: Petra Vencatachellum           Seconded: Yvette George


Petra Vencatachellum, Yvette George, Tania McDonald, Joanne Duncan


Principals Report:

·         ERO is expected in the next 2-3 weeks.

·         Great focus is being laid on student and teacher development

·         Task groups have been formed to address development and implementation of new strategies and policies

General Business:

·         Explaining to the parents what the Parent Forum stands for and its purpose:

            Supporting girls that need financial assistance with various outings, uniform etc. that       are not Sport related. The girls approach the McKenzie Trust first and if further help      is required the Parent Forum will then step in.

·         A lot of work and guidelines need to be worked over the next months

·         We plan to have one major fundraising event each year to support the school and students. This year is an evening with the Style Doctors who are a hands on women’s team to help us ladies dress to our advantage regardless of size, height and shape. This is a fun evening.

·         We also plan to have one information evening once a term to inform parents about issues that arise when raising and living with teenagers. Our first one will be on Monday 21 May 2012, 7.30 pm in the staff room where Senior Constable Jacqie Brown from the North Shore Police will talk to us about in general how to detect that your daughter has any problems in regards, to drugs, bullying etc and strategies that can be put into place.

Guest Speaker:

Ms Roz Mexted:

Ms Mexted gave a presentation on the challenges and changes that school face in the 21st Century. She introduced her vision for the school and how to implement those challenges and changes into the curriculum and preparing our girls for the world “outside”.

The talk was very informative and an eye opener what is required of schools today.


The meeting closed at 9.45pm.


Next regular meeting: 28 May 2012, 7.30pm


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