
Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Minutes Parents Forum Meeting 30th of July 2013


30 July 2013


Present: Beth Porteous, Barbara Scholten, Kate Carlisle, Petra Praschnig, Julia Vencatachellum, Susan Quinn, Annuska Menoita, Kristina, Jo Duncan


Apologies: Wendy Calder-Jennings, Tania McDonald, Eliza Mackay, Penny Meads, Donna Pike, Joy Bradfield


Minutes from last meeting:

Moved by:  Petra

Seconded by: Kate


 Matters arising: none


Correspondence: none


Treasurer’s Report:

Balance as at last meeting:                                                                                        $3,864.51

Expenses: Uppercrust Bakery                         $   134.40

                  Goldenbake                                   $   528.00

                  B M Porteous                                $   667.83

                  B M Porteous                                $   624.73


                                                                        $1,954.96                                            $1,954.96                                                                                                                                $1,909.55

Income: Westlake Girls Board of Trustees                                                                 $2,400.00                                                                                                                                $4,309.55


Sausage Sizzle:  $103.00 to be confirmed, not all counted yet


General Business:

·         Visitors Blog:  7991


24 September 2013:

Dr Kathy Reichs:

Forensic Anthropologist and author of the Temperance Brennan books, known to TV audiences as Bones.

The following details have been confirmed:

Venue: Auditorium at Westlake Boys High School

Time:  7pm (doors open from 6pm for refreshments)

Tickets:  $20.00 (plus booking fee) available from:


o   We would like to thank Westlake Boys High School headmaster Mr David Ferguson for the generosity of making the auditorium available to us at no cost

o   2 or 3 students from WGHS and WBHS who have a great interest in forensic anthropology will be able to ask Dr Kathy Reichs a question each

o   Dr Reichs will be interviewed by book blogger Graham Beattie

o   We will be serving wine, fruit juice, soft drinks, sushi and other finger food for sale  

o   Jo Duncan will arrange for a liquor licence

o   Petra Praschnig and Kristina will be looking into having sushi catered for  

o   Any parent who has a catering business is most welcome to contact Petra to discuss any ideas they may have to contribute to this special event (contact for Petra: 021 0259 0696)

o   We are ordering 100 posters and 300 flyers to be distributed throughout the community


Sale of Old Uniform:

o   We made $4,646.00 for the Uniform Shop and a big Thank you to all the helpers on the day

o   We received an email from Principal Roz Mexted stating that we will receive $1,000.00 for our efforts to go toward the Student Welfare Fund.

o   The old uniform is now available at the Uniform Shop for the sale price

o   There will be no more special sales of the old uniform


Old stock donated by Uniform Shop:

The Uniform Shop donated some surplus stock of the following items to the Parent Forum:

o   40-50 pairs of New Zealand made Roman Sandals, Seizes: 5,6 and 7 for sale at $25.00

o   Water Polo togs. We will approach the Water Polo teams and have the togs for sale at $10.00 which could be used for practice. We are not sure about the seizes.

o   Red woollen jumpers with “Achiever”. We will donate them to the Year 13 achievers in any field with their name embroidered on the jumper. The cost for embroidery needs to be investigated.

o   Green old Blazers will be donated to the islands

o   Green old skirts will be donated to the islands

o   Green track pants, seizes M and S we are thinking of selling. Kate is going to explore the option of selling the track pants to the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuit Centre.


USB Stick:

It is time to name the Westlake Girl.

o   Barbara has a great poster which will go up shortly to name the Girl

o   This is the process for the selection of the name:

1.      Barbara will explain to the House Deans what the process of selection of the name is: We are looking for a name for this gorgeous WGHS pen drive;

2.      Each “House” will select the 2 most voted names among their “House” peers, which will give us a total of 10 potential names;

3.      The PF will then select the winning name;

4.      The creator of the winner’s name will get a USB stick and … “House” points; to be discussed with Roz

5.      Explain and promote the completion in your “House”


Guest speakers on 10 July:

Andrew Cowie and Senior Constable Tania Wansink were well received and it was a very informative evening with lively discussions.


Uniform Voucher($500.00):

o   The draw is for the whole school

o   New parents will get a notice about the raffle for the uniform voucher with their acceptance letter

o   The whole school will be notified as soon as we have the raffle tickets organised

o   The date for the draw is still to be advised

o   The cost for the tickets are:

o   1 for  $  5.00

o   3 for  $10.00

o   6 for  $20.00


Speakers for Term 4:

Kathy Carlisle and her husband. The topic and date are still to be decided on.



The meeting closed at 9pm.


Next meeting:

Tuesday 27 August 2013, 7.30pm WGHS staff room. Looking forward seeing you there



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